January is that time of year when we are all feeling at our most motivated. We plan to start the year off on the best foot and hope that we can continue that way. To harness all those positive feelings and help you get on your way to having the best year we have trawled the web to bring you our top four productivity tips to keep yourself on track.
Stop Multitasking.
This is definitely something that most of us are guilty of, multitasking seems like a great idea to get everything we need to done in record time, like a conference call and reading emails, or walking and making a call. If we are honest with ourselves though even when we’re doing some of our best multitasking we’re not fully engaged in either task, and we’re more likely to get distracted, and most often we’re not producing our best work. Try to focus on one task at a time, and you will probably find you will produce better work in less time.
Increase your effectiveness through technology.
There are so many great tools out there that can really help us stay productive and make the most of our time. Learn to use technology for more than just checking out updates on Twitter or reading up on the latest ‘news’ on Facebook. Tools like Adobe Document Cloud to reduce paper dependence and work more efficiently with documents, Wunderlist to share lists with family or colleagues, or Adobe Connect for webinars and meetings, are an awesome way to make sure you are on track regardless of where you are.
Sync all your calendars.
This seems like an obvious one, but so many of us have multiple calendars at work and home. As far as possible try to sync your calendars into one, this will ensure you avoid confusion and get everything done, but if that just isn’t possible at least make sure all your calendars say the same thing.
Use your commute.
For many of us the commute to and from work can feel like a complete waste of time. Instead of losing this valuable time why not use that time to learn or stay informed by listening to a podcast or audio book. Listening to something you are interested in during this time could help you clear your head before you reach your destination or give you a head start on the day before you get into the office.
We are keen to get going and to see how long we can stick with the changes, but if these tips are a little too ‘self-help’ for you, we have some great products to help you stay on top of all the things you need to do, like the new Office 365. It comes with all the Microsoft Office apps you know and love, as well as tools that will successfully increase your business efficiency and help you work more productively wherever you are through hosted email services, file sharing capabilities, video conferencing platforms.